Fundraising Tools:
Looking to download a form? Find them here:
How to Resources:
Social Media Tools:
Need some guidance on promoting on social media? We have the tools for you! Below are examples of social media posts to share on your social platforms to promote the Friends for Life! Walk:
"I registered for the Friends for Life! Walk™ and I need your help! Suppport animals in need in our community by either joining me in the Walk on [insert date] or by donating to my personal fundraising page [insert personal fundraising URL]. Together, we can change the lives of animals in Ontario, one step at a time! #FFLWALK"
"Join me on [insert date] as we walk to make a difference in the lives of animals in our community! Register today at friendsforlifewalk.ca or support my fundraising efforts by donating to my personal page [insert personal fundraising URL]- join me in helping animals find forever homes. #FFLWALK"
"CALLING ALL #ANIMALLOVERS Friends for Life! Walk™ is here! Support me by donating to my page or signing up to Walk #FFLWALK" [attach personal fundraising URL to post]
"WOOF WOOF WOOF it’s Friends for Life! Walk™ time. Register or support my fundraising efforts by visiting [insert personal fundraising URL] & make a difference in the lives of animals in your community! #FFLWALK"
"A weekend to save pets! Join me the Friends for Life! Walk™ by registering as a participant or by donating to my personal fundraising page [insert personal fundraising URL] #FFLWALK"
"The Animals need your help! Join me in the Friends for Life! Walk™ in our community on [insert date] and change the lives of animals in need – while having lots of fun in the process! Support my personal fundraising page [insert personal fundraising URL" by donating or register to Walk with me! #FFLWALK"
*You can also put your personal fundraising link in your Instagram bio, as another way to promote your involvement in the Friends for Life! Walk!
Don't forget to follow Friends for Life! Walk on social media and share our posts:
Facebook: @FriendsForLifeWalk | Instagram: @fflwalk
If you are looking for something and do not see it, please send us an email and we would be happy to get you the information you need!