For help donating or to give by phone:

Call 1-888-668-7722 ext 321.

To make a gift by mail, send your cheque made out to:

Ontario SPCA

16586 Woodbine Ave

Stouffville, ON L4A 2W3

Designate my gift

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helps vaccinate animals from disease.

feeds a puppy or kitten.

provides soft bedding and food for an animal in our shelter.

provides a shelter stay for one animal in need.

spays or neuters a needy cat.

Field Is Required I wish my gift to support

Donor Information

You can manage your email preferences and opt-ins at any time. We want the information you receive from us to remain of interest to you!

Payment Information

Payment Method:

Credit Card Information:

Credit Card Type:
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • Visa
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Checking Account Information:

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Check Information

Cheque Information